J. W. Cooper Community Center Located in the center of Shenandoah, the J.W. Cooper Community Center’s mission is to save and restore the former J.W. Cooper High School to its original condition while simultaneously providing needed benefits to the Shenandoah community and surrounding areas by providing a food bank (Beverly Mattson Memorial Food Bank), clothing, books and toys for those in need. Future plans for a theater, youth center, business incubator, pool and storage space is ongoing thanks to local volunteer efforts.
Red Creek Wildlife Center To offer a second chance to distressed Pennsylvania wildlife through rescue and rehabilitation, public education and by providing training for wildlife rehabilitators.
Tremont Area Free Public Library The purpose and commitment of the Tremont Area Free Public Library is to operate and maintain a free, public, nonsectarian library.
Clinical Outcomes Group Inc. Clinical Outcomes Group Inc. (COGI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, outpatient drug and alcohol facility located in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. COGI provides various recovery services to the residents of Schuylkill and surrounding counties. COGI currently services nearly 550 individuals, of all ages, with substance use related problems.
We Agape You We Agape You prevents veteran suicide through employment and housing opportunities. They work to eliminate blight in communities by renovating homes for affordable housing for veterans and needy, while creating employment with each house rehab.
Schuylkill Hope Center for Victims of Domestic Violence Schuylkill Hope Center for Victims of Domestic Violence is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1983 to provide services to victims of domestic and sexual violence in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
Schuylkill Area Community Foundation Schuylkill Area Community Foundation envisions a community that embraces philanthropy to sustain generations today and tomorrow! The Community Foundation encourages philanthropy at all levels, provides comprehensive donor services and responds to changing needs and opportunities in the community including: Animal Welfare, Arts & Culture, Diversity, Education, Environment, Health & Wellness, and Human Services.
Tamaqua Community Arts Center The arts centers mission is to provide inclusive educational opportunities for all to create, learn, and appreciate the fine and performing arts in a safe environment. The arts are important to the development of a healthy community. We believe all can be a part of the diverse social and creative setting found within our center.
Schuylkill YMCA The Schuylkill YMCA is more than “just a gym”. They offer affordable sports and programs, community health, fitness and wellness in a safe space to promote togetherness. Programs are available for almost anyone from ages 1 year to 100+.
Schuykill County Council for the Arts The Schuylkill County Council for the Arts owns and operates the stately Arts and Ethnic Center (former Frank D Yuengling) mansion in Pottsville. The site features arts exhibits, a preschool center, and is available for weddings and formal parties.
Pottsville Free Public Library The Pottsville Free Public Library provides quality information resources and services to educate, entertain, enrich and strengthen our diverse community. Services are provided not only to residents of the City of Pottsville and the Pottsville Area School District, but to all residents of Schuylkill County and the Pottsville Library District.
Child Development Child Development, Inc. provides a high quality, comprehensive preschool education for 600 children in Schuylkill County. As a Head Start, PA PreK Counts, and Keystone STAR 4 child care program, we engage families and provide supportive services to prepare each child for success in school and a lifetime of learning.
Real Options - Care Net of Schuylkill County Care Net Pregnancy Center of Schuylkill County, now serving as Real Options is life-affirming resource for individuals faced with an unplanned or crisis pregnancy. We offer tangible assistance to our clients in a compassionate and Christ-centered environment.
St. Patrick Church The Church of St. Patrick is the third oldest church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Allentown, founded in 1827. St. Patrick Church is a community who live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, through the Catholic tradition of Word and Sacrament.
Safer Streets for Tamaqua's Little Feet Safer Streets is a 501c3 organization through free preventive drug education in schools for students and events for adults. Also helping those who reach out in substance abuse and support all affected hopes to put an end to our drug epidemic.
Project 4 Love Project 4 Love is a match making website for donors and charities. It provides a list of a wide variety of nonprofits item and service based needs. We connect you with organizations in your community.
Bethlehem Township Lions Club The Motto of Lions Club International and the Bethlehem Township Lions is “we serve”. We empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs. Our Club is dedicated to servicing the blind, visually handicapped, deaf and the less fortunate in our community.
Avenues Avenues is a multifaceted human service organization committed to providing quality services that enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.
Walk In Art Center Located two blocks from the Schuylkill River, the Walk In Art Center is housed in the former Walkin Shoe Factory, an historic three story factory built in 1887. Though a successful company for decades, the Walkin Shoe Company closed shortly after 2000.In 2002, the empty factory became the property of Evans' Transportation when Mr. Bert Evans purchased the space. His plan was to convert the building to serve as the company's national headquarters, municipal police station and a non-profit food pantry.In 2008, the ground work was laid for the Walk In Art Center, which was to occupy the remaining space in the building. In 2011 the Walk In Art Center obtained 501 (C)(3) Non Profit Status, and began to inspire, equip and celebrate the cultural and creative talent of Schuylkill County.
Schuylkill Community Action Schuylkill Community Action (SCA) is the primary anti-poverty agency serving Schuylkill County. SCA accomplishes this by providing services aimed at satisfying basic needs such as food and shelter, while promoting long-term self-sufficiency. SCA programming impacts over 15,000 low-income Schuylkill County residents each year.