Red Creek Wildlife Center To offer a second chance to distressed Pennsylvania wildlife through rescue and rehabilitation, public education and by providing training for wildlife rehabilitators.
Bethesda EC Church Bethesda EC Church is a healing community where God transforms people into his likeness toward unity in the faith.
Big Impact Group Of Schuylkill County Big Impact Group is a mentoring program helping Schuylkill County youth for over 35 years. Through the dedication of our volunteers and strong community support we are able to make this program successful. Thank you to all who continue to support us and let’s continue to grow together as a community.
The Arts Barn The Arts Barn Gallery is a unique Schuylkill County, PA art and craft gallery featuring original artworks made exclusively by Pennsylvania artists. The Arts Barn is a great place to find a unique gift for anyone on your Holiday gift list. On display is baskets, candles, soaps, stained glass, leather, pottery, jewelry, sculptures, chainsaw carvings, forged metal, paintings, ceramics, wildlife art, photography, textiles, silk scarves, handcrafted wooden furniture, wooden utensils, fused glass, wine jelly, and MORE!!!
We Agape You We Agape You prevents veteran suicide through employment and housing opportunities. They work to eliminate blight in communities by renovating homes for affordable housing for veterans and needy, while creating employment with each house rehab.
Coffee @ The Corner Find us every Saturday morning from 7 till noon for a free safe place to have dialogue and be heard.
Project 4 Love Project 4 Love is a match making website for donors and charities. It provides a list of a wide variety of nonprofits item and service based needs. We connect you with organizations in your community.
Walk In Art Center Located two blocks from the Schuylkill River, the Walk In Art Center is housed in the former Walkin Shoe Factory, an historic three story factory built in 1887. Though a successful company for decades, the Walkin Shoe Company closed shortly after 2000.In 2002, the empty factory became the property of Evans' Transportation when Mr. Bert Evans purchased the space. His plan was to convert the building to serve as the company's national headquarters, municipal police station and a non-profit food pantry.In 2008, the ground work was laid for the Walk In Art Center, which was to occupy the remaining space in the building. In 2011 the Walk In Art Center obtained 501 (C)(3) Non Profit Status, and began to inspire, equip and celebrate the cultural and creative talent of Schuylkill County.